A $25,000 Coachella Valley Spotlight grant was awarded to The Girlfriend Factor (GFF), which provides financial assistance to motivated women seeking educational pursuits later in life. The grant was presented by the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation in partnership with News Channel 3.
“The Girlfriend Factor believes that women can accomplish anything they set their minds to when they have the support and encouragement of their girlfriends,” said Joan Busick, Founder and Executive Director of GFF. “Our organization has success story after success story that shows education is the key to self-sufficiency and financial advancement for women who have had setbacks in their lives.”
Busick and a few of her girlfriends started GFF after realizing that many women find a need to improve their financial position and self-sustainability after missing the traditional college years. GFF raises funds to provide women, 25 years and older, with renewable $3,000 grants, so they may reach their potential and achieve their goals through higher education or occupational training. To date, GFF has awarded more than $700,000 in grants to 180 local women. The organization not only aids recipients with financial assistance but also with emotional support by way of GFF volunteers who stay in touch with and encourage the selected women as they make a life change.
“Sometimes all people need to pursue their goals is to know they are supported. GFF is the only organization that does exactly this in our valley,” said Catharine Reed, Vice President of Charitable Programs for the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation.
Like many nonprofits, GFF encountered financial strain during the pandemic, and were not able to fundraise and support many grant recipients as they had prior, however, with the Coachella Valley Spotlight grant, the organization plans to direct the funding to awareness and marketing campaigns that can help regain exposure, re-engage donors and re-establish its fundraisers. On November 9, 2022, GFF will hold its annual GoGirl Luncheon, which celebrates grant recipients and honors women who make a difference in the community.
“What started as a grassroots network sixteen years ago has evolved into a significant community asset. By raising awareness of this organization, more women may be inspired to pursue additional education and accomplish new goals,” said Jerry Upham, General Manager of Gulf California Broadcast Company, which owns and operates KESQ News Channel 3 and KPSP CBS Local 2.
Through the Coachella Valley Spotlight partnership with the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation and News Channel 3, The Girlfriend Factor was featured on News Channel 3 programming, in public service announcements and on kesq.com throughout the month of October. For more information about receiving support from GFF or contributing, call 760-772-9594 or visit www.girlfriendfactor.org.