Representatives from the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation surprised a local nonprofit organization today with a $10,000 grant check – live during News Channel 3’s News at 4 p.m. The grant – presented to Childrens Playtime Productions – is an extension of the partnership between the Berger Foundation and News Channel 3, where each month, a local nonprofit receives a $25,000 grant. However, this grant was a complete surprise to the nonprofit organization that offers a multitude of training and performing opportunities for youth.
“I was in complete shock, speechless, in fact,” said Richard De Haven, President of Childrens Playtime Productions. “We’re excited about how we can use this surprise grant to help continue building our theatre!”
Last December, Childrens Playtime Productions was among 52 local nonprofits that received a letter of regret that they were not selected to receive one of the monthly Coachella Valley Spotlight grants for 2022.
“It is so difficult to choose only 12 nonprofits to receive the Coachella Valley Spotlight each year from so many worthwhile nonprofit applicants,” said Catharine Reed, Vice President of Charitable Programs for the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation. “Giving surprise $10,000 grants is an exciting extension of our partnership with News Channel 3, and it allows us to shine a spotlight on more great organizations in the valley!”
With a mission to provide quality theatrical and educational programs that enhance the development of the community and our youth, Childrens Playtime Productions has been working through the pandemic to reimagine itself in a new space in The Shops at Palm Desert (formerly Westfield Mall). The organization has extended its programming to include several after-school clubs for training in voice, dance, theatre and improv. Through its new programs, Youtheatre Players and Youth Take the Stage, the nonprofit offers multiple performances throughout the year and offers open-mic opportunities for youth as well.
“It was exciting to see the surprise award happen live in our brand new 4 p.m. newscast. The event really made for great television,” said Kent Kay, Marketing and Creative Director for Gulf California Broadcast Company. “The surprise grant fits perfectly into our commitment to community news at News Channel 3, and our News at 4 p.m. is the perfect platform,” News Channel 3 launched its new News at 4 p.m. on September 6.
Childrens Playtime Productions offers its programming at The Shops at Palm Desert (formerly Westfield Mall), 72-840 Highway 111, SUITE D161, Palm Desert – on the lower level, near JC Penney. For more information call 760-303-1990 or visit www.childrensplaytimeproductions.com. To learn more about the Coachella Valley Spotlight grant, and to apply, go to kesq.com, and click on the Coachella Valley Spotlight logo on the homepage. Grant applications for 2023 are due at noon on Wednesday, September 28, 2022.