A $25,000 Coachella Valley Spotlight grant will allow hundreds of pet owners to sterilize, vaccinate and microchip their pets – at little or no cost. The funds were presented to Coachella Animal Network (C.A.N.) from the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation during a News Channel 3 Eye on the Desert studio interview.
“Spaying and neutering our four-legged family members is essential to keeping our communities healthy and safe,” said Kim Maguire-Hardee, Founder of C.A.N. “Most pet owners want to do ‘the right thing’ by sterilizing, vaccinating and microchipping their animals, however, these services are expensive at most traditional veterinary clinics. At C.A.N., we want to make these services accessible and affordable to anyone and everyone.”
An Indio resident and animal lover, Maguire-Hardee observed many homeless and unwanted animals throughout the Coachella Valley and was inspired to do something about it. Committed to reducing the suffering and euthanasia of dogs and cats in the area, Maguire-Hardee organized C.A.N.’s first low-cost pet care clinic in 2013. Since then, the nonprofit has offered 270 clinics. Kim and her team of volunteers and animal-health professionals tirelessly fight for animal welfare by providing education and low-cost pet services for communities in the Coachella Valley, particularly in the east valley.
“Kim has quietly helped about 16,000 pets and their families during the last nine years,” said Catharine Reed, Vice President of Charitable Programs for the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation. “However, we’re not being quiet about it anymore. We’re celebrating all that Kim and her team have done and supporting C.A.N. to do even more with this grant.”
Each year, C.A.N. provides about 800 spay and neuters and more than 2200 vaccinations and registered microchips for dogs and cats, plus about 200 dog licenses. C.A.N. also educates pet owners on grooming and offers nail trimming and ear cleaning. Each month, C.A.N. organizes a 2-day clinic for these services at ABC Recovery Center, located at 44374 Palm St, Indio. The next walk-in, free vaccination clinic is scheduled there on October 15 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Spay and neuter services are available by appointment only, and may require a waiting period, because of the excessive need. Once scheduled, residents only pay $25 per pet for sterilization surgery.
“With the support of the Coachella Valley Spotlight and hopefully others who have seen Coachella Animal Network’s story, this nonprofit can continue its mission to consistently offer low-cost and no-cost pet services in the valley,” said Jerry Upham, General Manager of Gulf California Broadcast Company, which owns and operates KESQ News Channel 3 and KPSP CBS Local 2.
Through the Coachella Valley Spotlight partnership with the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation and News Channel 3, Coachella Animal Network was featured on News Channel 3 programming, in public service announcements and on kesq.com throughout the month of September. For more information about Coachella Animal Network, visit www.CoachellaAnimalNetwork.org or call 760-848-4284.