Twelve Coachella Valley nonprofit organizations will be selected to receive $25,000 each from the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation. Applications are available through September 8, 2017 for the 2018 Coachella Valley Spotlight awards. Nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations that serve people in the Coachella Valley are eligible to apply. For the first time, nonprofits that received the award between 2009-2016 are also able to reapply. Since the program began more than $2.25 million in grants have been awarded to more than 90 local nonprofit organizations.
The grantees will be selected by the CBS Local 2 Community Advisory Board, which includes representatives from the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation and members of the community. Twelve recipients are selected, and then one is recognized each month during 2018 on CBS Local 2’s Eye on the Desert, as well as in public service announcements and on the station’s website, www.cbslocal2.com.
“Now going into our tenth year of this unique grant-making process and partnership, we are very excited to reopen the opportunity to many past recipients,” said Catharine Reed, Program Director for the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation. “It is wonderful to read about so many nonprofits helping a variety of needs in our area. Selecting only twelve recipients is a difficult task, but it is also rewarding, as we present a grant each month and see these organizations in action.”
Past recipients of the Coachella Valley Spotlight include organizations that support children, seniors, veterans, the homeless, uninsured and underinsured residents, people living with debilitating medical conditions, animals, education, the arts, and more.
“We are proud of the partnership with the Berger Foundation,” said Mike Stutz, General Manager of Gulf California Broadcast Company, which owns and operates CBS Local 2. “We all believe that the combination of both funding and media exposure helps give these organization a hand up as well as a boost in recognition, which can also perpetuate additional support.”
Coachella Valley Spotlight applications are available at www.cbslocal2.com and must be postmarked by Friday, September 8, 2017. Recipients will be notified in December. For more information call 760-773-0342.